P&G / The Talk

Winner of the Emmy for Outstanding Commercial, Cannes Lions Grand Prix in Film, Campaign’s top 10 social good ads of the century and an Effie award.

In America, there’s a whole other “talk” parents have with their kids—the talk that Black parents have with their children to prepare them for what often awaits them when they leave home. And to make sure they make it back.

“I’ve never had to have the talk with my children that so many Black and Brown families have had with their children.” President Biden, State of Union Address, February 7th 2023

P&G wanted to relaunch My Black is Beautiful, a community-building program formed in 2007 by a group of visionary black women, in a way that would drive awareness and relevance by expanding the conversation past outward beauty and hone deeper on a cultural nuance. This charge stemmed from P&G’s belief that it has the responsibility to use its voice for good and that conversations with consumers should not only be about products, but should also include important stories that represent all consumers.

Revitalize the My Black Is Beautiful platform with a message that would support the black community’s struggles with bias, in a way that felt honest, authentic and sensitive to the community.

1. Spark a conversation about bias
2. Increase African American consumer interest and excitement for P&G

In the black community, the “talk” isn’t about the birds and the bees.

Showcase how bias has existed in the black community for decades to remind every family to talk about bias, not just families of color.

Since launch, “The Talk” has secured over 1.86 billion earned media impressions across over 900 media placements which drove consumer interest and excitement for P&G with many social users thanking P&G for the message and continuing the conversation on their own social channels. Our main goal – to spark conversation about “The Talk” – exceeded all objectives and expectations.


Verizon / The Met Unframed